Maize Symptoms & Management
Disease is characterized by long elliptical grayish green or tan lesions on the leaves measuring 2.5 to 25 cm in length and upto 4 cm in width. The fungus affects the maize plant at young stage. Small yellowish round to oval spots are seen on the leaves. The spots gradually increase in area into bigger elliptical spots and are straw to grayish brown colour in the centre with dark brown margins. The spots coalesce to form bigger spots and gives blighted appearance. The surface is covered with olive green velvety masses of conidia and conidiophores. Under high humidity the whole leaf area becomes necrotic and plant appears as dead. Lesions may be extended to husk.
Crop rotation
Grow resistant hybrids like DHM-1
Treat the seeds with Captan or Thiram at 4 g/kg
Spray Mancozeb@0.25%
Charcoal rot commonly attacks plants approaching maturity. The fungus produces brown, water soaked lesions on the roots that later turn black. As the plant matures, the infection extends into the lower portions of the stem where gray streaks develop on the stem surface of lower internodes leading to premature ripening, shredding and breaking of the crown. Split open stalks have numerous black sclerotia on vascular strands, giving the interior of the stalks a charred appearance which is a characteristic symptom of the disease. Sclerotia may also be found on the roots.
Long crop rotation with crops that are not natural host of the fungus.
Field sanitation
Irrigate the crops at the time of earhead emergence to maturity.
Treat the seeds with Carbendazim or Captan at 2 g/kg.
Grow disease resistant varieties, viz., DHM 103, DHM 105 and Ganga Safed 2
The most characteristic symptom is the development of chlorotic streaks appears on the leaves and the plants exhibit a stunted and bushy appearance due to the shortening of the internodes. White downy growth can be seen not only on the lower surface of leaf but also on the chlorotic streaks. Affected leaves often tear linearly causing leaf shredding. The downy growth also occurs on bracts of green unopened male flowers in the tassel. The important symptom of the disease is the partial or complete malformation of the tassel into a mass of narrow, twisted leafy structures. Proliferation of axillary buds on the stalk of tassel as well as the cobs is very common (Crazy top).
Destruction of plant debris
Removal and destruction of collateral hosts
Grow resistant hybrids like DHM-1, DHM-103, DMR-5 and Ganaga II.
Seed treatment with Metalaxyl (Apron 35SD) at 4g/kg
Deep summer ploughing
Crop rotation with pulses
Spray the crop, 3-4 times, with Metalaxyl MZ (Ridomil MZ)@0.2% starting from 20th day after sowing.
Large, discoloured areas alternating with irregular dark bands are typical symptoms of the disease. Severe infection leads to blotching of the leaf sheath as well as leaves. The symptoms under favourable conditions extend upto silk, glumes and kernels. Disease generally appears at pre-flowering stage. Symptoms also appear on stalk and the internodes break at the point of infection
Clean cultivation
Destruction of crop debris
Spray carbendazim or propiconazole@0.1%